  • Dried Hen of The Woods Mushroom
  • Dried Hen of The Woods Mushroom
  • Dried Hen of The Woods Mushroom

Dried Hen of The Woods Mushroom

Dried Maitake (Hen of the Woods) is highly prized by both mushroom lovers and health food enthusiasts. Slow drying concentrates their distinctive flavor and goodness for year-round use. The mild flavor of the Maitake mushroom makes it an ideal companion for smoked meats, poultry, fish, or rich sauces. With its firm texture, it substitutes easily for meat as a main dish and is an excellent addition to risotto, polenta and pastas. Rinse and soak to reconstitute. They taste delicious when mixed with other fresh and/or dried mushrooms. Health benefits: Maitake mushrooms contain potent, naturally occurring compounds which many believe can help fight tumors and stimulate the immune system. Size- 1.00 OZ
  • $ 11.99